At the turn of September and October 2019 we are leaving for over 10 days to South Korea to perform a series of workshops and concerts at the Jeonju Int’l Sori Festival 2019. Part of the workshop workshops with the Catalan bombarda player Manu Sabate, some in our basic line up. In total, we will take part in 4 workshops and 4 concerts. We are thrilled to go!
An event organized in cooperation with Mapamundi Musica.
*PL Sfinansowano ze środków Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego w ramach Programu Wieloletniego NIEPODLEGŁA na lata 2017-2022, w ramach programu dotacyjnego Instytutu Adama Mickiewicza „Kulturalne pomosty”.
* KR 아담 미츠키에비츠 문화원에서 지원하는 ‘컬쳐 브릿지(Culture Bridge)’ 프로그램은 2017-2022 다년제프로그램 ‘인디펜던트(INDEPENDENT)’의 일환으로 폴란드 문화부의 지원으로 진행됩니다.
* EN Financed from the funds of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland, within the scope of the Multiannual Program INDEPENDENT 2017-2022, as part of the “Cultural Bridges” subsidy program of the Adam Mickiewicz Institute

*fot. Joanna Wiedro-Żak